
Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People

"Flowering" — roughly translated from Latvian, surname of the person, which will be discussed here. Imants Ziedonis is a Latvian poet and prose writer. And although this is not the only thing he did in his life — he was both a teacher, and a translator, and an active public figure — everyone knows and adores him primarily as a master of the word.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People
Imants Ziedonis
Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People
Imants Ziedonis

Imants was born in 1933, in Ragaciems, in a fisher’s family. In high school, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which he battled with varying success throughout his life. And this fact at some point played a decisive role in his fate.

Ziedonis dreamed of becoming an agronomist but because of illness he was not accepted in the Bulduri Horticultural College, where desperately wanted to go. But he was admitted to the Latvian State University at the Faculty of History and Philosophy. Here he returned to writing. Yes, yes he returned: Ziedonis began writing poetry in elementary school, but he did not consider it to be something outstanding, while for some reason the teacher didn’t believe that the boy wrote these works himself. As a result, Imants “fell silent” for a while. But in his university years he was fond of the work of Latvian poets — Ojars Vacietis and Visma Belshevitsa. Suddenly he realized that he’s been writing something similar himself. The feeling was stronger than uncertainty, and he began writing again, and at the age of 28 became a member of the Writers’ Union.

On his account — dozens of collections of poems, children’s (and not only) fairy tales, scripts, and, of course, epiphanies (don’t fear this mysterious name, we will return to it).

When Imants was asked, “Why do you write poetry?” he replied, “In poetry I cultivate myself, my personality. And, you know, anyone can do that. There is a poet in every one of you. The task of my poems is to remind you of this.” In addition to the eternal “love, nature and beauty”, the main thoughts and themes of his works are the struggle against illusory ideals and limitations, national and personal independence and life path.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People

The man who planted trees

“The forest taught me to notice new, almost imperceptible movements, nature gave the concept of intelligence. It seems to me that man came into this world to nurture, cultivate and take care.” Probably this quote of Ziedonis is the most accurate preface to an activity he held dear, in addition to writing. Now we would call it eco-activism, but back then it was the “Great Tree Liberators Group”. 

Almost every weekend, in winter and summer, Imants went to nature together with likeminded people and with a clearly defined goal: the search and preservation of majestic trees. And in spring and summer they planted new ones. Therefore, some relatively young Latvian groves and alleys are a work of their hands.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People

In the late 80s Imants became the founder of the Latvian Cultural Foundation, one of whose missions was a program to clean up the banks of the Daugava. So Ziedonis didn’t just serve people. Nature occupied a special place in the soul of the poet for another reason: in his understanding, she is the main teacher in the “School of Stopping”. And about the importance of “school”, which teaches to slow down the pace of life, especially for urban people, he spoke and wrote very often.

Mission: Children

Ziedonis devoted most of his life to children. Thanks to his dedication, in 1976 he became the owner of the Andersen diploma — an award given to the best children’s writers.

Is Imants a children’s writer? Definitely! Almost every child who grew up in Latvia is familiar with his “Colorful Tales”. It’s a book in which the main characters are colors. Each has a separate chapter. Here is a white mole from the shores of Gauja, and the Blue Horse of Hope, and the Amber Man. The heroes of his fairy tales are incredibly original (only one “yellow sun, fallen out in yellow dandelions” stays). Therefore, even if you are an adult, prepare for unexpected goosebumps. Goosebumps and wet eyes in fact — a common thing when reading Ziedonis. He avoids pomp and empty embellishment. It is simple, but not less moving.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People

Ziedonis taught classes in schools and universities, organized children’s literary meetings and discussions — not only about literature, about life in general. He dedicated another book to children — “Sākamgrāmata” or “The Book of Beginnings”. It’s like a textbook in which additionally to developing reading and writing skills, non-obvious questions about the world and a person’s place in it holds an important part. Ziedonis deeply believed that first of all, children should be taught to feel.

In 2010, the Foundation “Viegli” was founded, the main task of which is the cultural education of young people. One of the projects of the foundation is called Ziedoņa[2]  klase or “Ziedonis class”. Here children learn in an interesting way – through theatrical productions and quests – about the work of the poet.


So here it is — the mysterious epiphany. It’s a rare genre in literature — something between poetry and prose. Epiphany in Greek is a revelation. This perfectly reflects on the meaning. In his epiphanies, Ziedonis talks about feelings — and does it in such a way that it is almost impossible to remain indifferent.

The first book with his epiphany was published in 1971 and since then this work has been one that you want to return to in very different moods.

What to read first?

We advise you to discard the pride of an adult and start with “Colorful Tales”. This is a kind of a gate into the world of Ziedonis.

Next is poetry. The most famous collections are “Motorcycle” (1965) and “Butterfly Attack” (1988). And, of course, epiphanies. Just take the book, open the content, and look for a name that is in tune with your mood.

And also, if you speak Latvian, we advise you to listen to his poems and epiphanies in his own reading. Not all poets and writers are talented readers, but Imants is one of the exceptions.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People
Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People


“My museum could very well be a road, a long road, with one single sign pointing forward. On it would be written “Museum of Imants Ziedonis.”

That’s how the poet visualized his ideal museum: the way of life. And he also believed that the life path of each person is worthy of attention. And it’s very fair.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People
Imants Ziedonis

The museum is a summer house in the village of Murjāņi, near Sigulda, which Imants and his wife had been building for five years. At first glance, the crazy idea — a triangular house with a cane roof, aka wigwam — later became an inspiration for many fans of his ideas. This is where most of the epiphanies were written.

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People
Imants Ziedonis Museum
Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People
Imants Ziedonis Museum

In 2014 a museum opened here. Museum, approved by the poet: “without nervous guards and untouchable objects.” Indeed, the house of muses, where you can chat, drink tea from clay mugs (and here there’s an incredible amount), be inspired and create art. “So to speak — people came to visit me. It’s like I’m out and will be back soon. ” Popular Latvian band Brainstorm even recorded their first album here. Ziedonis would be pleased: the museum fulfills its purpose.

Official site of the museum

Imants Ziedonis. Soul of the Latvian People

It will bloom forever

Firstly, the postage stamp with this name was introduced to the Latvian stamp collection in 2014, a year after the poet’s death. And secondly, it really will. The creativity of Ziedonis, his actions and his special attitude to life became an inspiration for so many: thanks to his “flowering”, others flourished and will flourish.

In 2010, the play “Ziedonis and the Universe” appeared in the repertoire of the New Riga Theatre, in which Alvis Hermanis  tried to show the wide range of this unusual person.

Author : editor nbhd
Date: 07.07.23