
7 underground theaters in Riga

Riga is quite famous for its culture. Top tier ballet dancers have been performing on the stage here for years already. The movie scenery has been developing at light speed lately with a record breaking number of films premiered throughout last year. Opera and of course theaters. The National, Dailes, Mikhail Chekhov’s and New Riga theaters are certainly the more popular choices and have been for multiple decades now. But is it all that Riga has to offer? Well, most certainly not!

7 underground theaters in Riga
Ģertrūdes ielas teātris

Similarly as it is with less popular music and films that sometimes offer higher quality than mass production, there are also some less known theater places worth attending. Although smaller when compared to the big theaters, there’s a romantic beauty about going to a less popular place. It’s like entering a secret realm that is only open to those careful enough to notice. For those of you who seek such an experience, we’re happy to say that Riga has a couple of aces up the sleeve.

Dirty Deal Teatro (DDT)

DDT was founded in the summer of 2007 to give some extra space for new and uprising artists to grow and experiment. They love talking about uncomfortable topics, raising not only questions but some eyebrows too. Instead of repeating all the same old stories that have been played over and over for years, Dirty Deal Teatro chooses to focus on what’s really happening around us right now. Globally, locally and individually. Looking reality straight into the eye, multiplying the emotion and showing it to the audience for raw experience unlike no other. Don’t be surprised to see some well known faces here — this place is beloved not only by viewers but artists as well..

Address: Talsu iela 1, Rīga

More info: DDT

Ģertrūdes ielas teātris

Ģertrūdes ielas teātris is one of the most influential independent theaters in Latvia, located in a courtyard house on Ģertrūdes street. Originally this building was constructed in 1954 to host repair and building administration. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the Administration was shut down, the building became private property and the hall served various functions like book distribution and photo as well as dance studios, some of which may be found here still today.

This theater works in accordance with 4 main principles: Bravery, Imagination, Ecology and Friendship. And by following these principles they have already made more than 48 new productions as well as guest performances from 17 different countries since 2010.

Address: Ģertrūdes iela 101a, Rīga

More info: GIT

Puppet theater of Latvia

Lately, the popularity of the Art of Puppetry has leaped massively on a global scale, captivating audiences of all ages and evoking deep emotional connections. Puppetry is a cultural gem, offering a truly charming form of artistic expression that is irreplaceable by any other method. Latvian puppet theater aims to foster a deep appreciation for this unique theatrical art form, ensuring that the magic of the puppetry world finds a cherished place in the hearts of every child and parent. Latvian puppet theater aims to increase appreciation for this unique theatrical art form, hoping to find a special place in the hearts of children and their parents. 

Latvia Puppet Theater presents a diverse repertoire that includes both Latvian and international classics, as well as contemporary literary works. From captivating fairy tales to beloved literary characters, their plays cater to the imaginations of children and adults alike. They strive to offer something special for every visitor, regardless of age, with performances that are enchanting, educational, and entertaining, suitable for all audiences.

7 underground theaters in Riga
Iluzionisma teātris “Mystero”
7 underground theaters in Riga
Iluzionisma teātris “Mystero”

Iluzionisma teātris «Mystero»

Now here’s something slightly different. Something for those who’re tired of the same old love stories, comedies and tragedies being repeated over and over again. There’s an art form that’s left in the shadows Latvian entertainment scenery undeservedly for far too long. Thankfully, since 2020, theater of illusions «Mystero» has taken upon themselves to solve this issue. Their live performances by some of the best magicians are aimed to stun and inspire the whole family, bringing them closer to this delicate form of art.

Apart from live performances and exhibitions they also offer a whole museum dedicated to the history of this exciting art. Even more so, the owners of «Mystero» wish to take a step further in raising a new generation of magicians. The school is yet to open its doors but it shows the dedication of the first project of such a nature in Latvia. They’re only allowing visitors on demand or during special occasions so feel free to give them a call before going on this tour.

Address: Vienības gatve 30, Rīga

More info: Mystero

Independent theater and studio «Dramaturgu teātris»

Okay, now let’s go back to the original version of how people understand theater. Here is a place that strictly produces plays from currently living artists only. Now it might seem a little bit weird considering how many great stories and plays have been written in the previous centuries but they have a valid reason for this. In order to advance in anything, we must be always focusing on the now, instead of clinging onto the nice and warm memories of the past. Therefore, in order to evolve the Latvian theater scenery, «Dramaturgu teātris» has chosen to present only the freshest and newest plays available.

7 underground theaters in Riga

Creative association «Spiediens»

Speaking of now and being entirely involved in the moment — we simply must mention the art of improvisation. There are quite a lot of troupes concentrating on this art in Riga and they all come in different shapes and forms. Some concentrate strictly on comedy while others prefer a more serious approach. Some of these troupes have strict age limits but the one that stands out among others doesn’t. It’s the creative association «Spiediens». 

Everything that happens here is born in the moment, mainly. Although there are some preset templates that the artists are following, it’s just a wind guiding actors in a certain direction. Everything that comes out of the experience — the lines, jokes and drama is happening live and in the moment. 100% pure!

Address: Depends on occasion

More info: Spiediens

7 underground theaters in Riga
Willa Teātris

Willa teātris

Arguably the youngest and most recently introduced independent theater in Riga. At least from the ones that we know surely! They’re producing modern plays by modernly thinking directors. Their latest hit is based on the stories from Ukraine, reimagining the horror on stage — bringing it to the people who’re lucky enough to be safe during these times. Yet it still gives viewers a chance to stay connected with their sorrow.

It’s not all they offer though. This theater also highly involves children in the theater culture with humorous and educational plays. In one of those, named «LIMONĀDE», even the maestro himself — Raimonds Pauls is behind the piano.

Address: Stabu iela 18C

More info: Willa

Author : editor nbhd
Date: 10.05.23