
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants

It's no secret that the best (and most correctly made) pizza has been cooked in Italy for hundreds of years. However, the absence of a monopoly on this dish allows us to enjoy it anywhere in the world. The main thing is to know where pizza is prepared correctly and with Italian warmth. We share our favorite pizza spots in Riga.

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants


Zefīrs seems to have appeared out of nowhere – as if accidentally dropped inside a large building, in the middle of a wasteland and surrounded by a fence. The wasteland remained, the fence too, but Zefīrs began work.

And so, it started: pizza became the signature dish. It looks so good that you’ll get goosebumps running all over your body just by looking. On a thin dough, fried on the sides, sprinkled with parmesan. To make the dough tender, light and tasty, the freshest Italian flour is used.

There are different tastes on the menu: Chorizo, Salami, Margarita and of course, the delicious classic – Four Cheeses!

Address: Sporta iela 2, Vidzemes priekšpilsēta

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Casa Nostra

Casa nostra 

Casa nostra is a piece of Italy in Riga. The owners of this restaurant – Sandra and Adriano – monitor the taste and quality of the dishes and, of course, the atmosphere. It’s simple, busy, easy and very tasty.

Pizza here is prepared only from fresh products and only according to real Italian recipes. And this is not surprising: the chef at Casa nostra is Italian.

Try pizza “Italia” here – with mozzarella, parma, arugula and parmesan.

Address: Elizabetes iela 10B, Centra rajons

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Street Pizza

Street Pizza 

This pizzeria is in the top 50 best pizza places in Europe. Promising start, right?

There are rarely empty seats in Street Pizza – people constantly drop in here for delicious Neapolitan pizza. Both the pizza and the service here are properly Neapolitan – informal, quick, easy.

Our advice: take pizza Alla Mortadella or Diavola. A lasting impression is guaranteed.

Address: Meža iela 4a, Zemgales priekšpilsēta


These guys make pizzas as if they’re proving their doctorate in pizza-making every time. The menu is small, but there’s sure to be a pizza with your favourite ingredients. The town says their crispy dough from the oven is the best this side of the Alps! There are three pizzerias of this chain in the city, we especially recommend the one in the Burzma space – besides here you can enjoy one of the best views of the old town.

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants

Stacija Vaivari Pizza

This tiny pizzeria is located at the train station. The owner of Vaivari built the oven himself – so that the pizza has a real homemade taste.

These pizzas are really special: quality products – flour, tomatoes, cheese, ham – are brought from Italy. But the names of pizzas here are reminiscent of a trip on the Jurmala train: Sloka, Vaivari, Asari, Melluzi, Pumpuri, Jaundubulti, Majori, Dzintari.

Address: Laimdotas iela 15, Jurmala

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants


This is one of the best Italian restaurants in all of Latvia. The Portofino team follows a principle which in Italian sounds like “la scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiare bene” – that is, “the science of cooking and the art of enjoying food.” Every single dish is born in the process of creativity and experimentation, then brought to the ideal – and only after that it gets on the menu and served to guests.

Prosciutto Cotto, Carpaccio di Manzo, Baufala e pesto – no matter which pizza you choose. Each will be great.

Address: Ausekļa iela 7, Centra rajons

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants


The cuisine in Italissimo is on par with restaurants in Rome and Milan. Pizzas here are cooked in wood-fired ovens. From classic salami pizza to shrimp pizza, try everything, it’s a real treat.

Address: Baznīcas iela 27,/29, Centra rajons

Where to find best pizza in Riga: 7 restaurants
Author : editor nbhd
Date: 11.03.23