
Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

We have repeatedly written about various Riga neighborhoods, where you can simultaneously have a delicious meal, buy a unique author's piece, listen to a concert, watch an exhibition and just spend time with benefit and comfort. There are a lot of such places and, as we think, it is time to make a guide to the best creative neighborhoods not only in the capital, but in the whole Latvia. We have selected 10 of the most interesting places.

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

Kaļķu ielas kvartāls

Address: Kuldīga, Kaļķu street 14

/ Brewery with Latvian craft beer, restaurant, coffee house, concerts and other art and culture events /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga
Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

A compact cultural quarter located a bit away from the tourist center of Kuldīga, near the northern industrial quarter. Here is one of the best craft breweries in Latvia—DUNA, which makes many kinds of beer: from herbal and fruit beers to classics. 

You can have lunch at the restaurant KOPA, which serves barbecue and grilled dishes in the style of Kurzeme Midwest. You can also stop by the café Curonia for a cup of quality roasted coffee. 

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

There is a small metalworking shop that offers welding and forging services and produces unusual metal art objects. Also worth mentioning is the company Klavins Piano, which moved here from Hungary—they produce impressive pianos of unique design. These pianos can be seen and heard at some of the concerts held in the courtyard of this venue. 

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Art space MALA

Address: Cēsis, Lenču street 11

/ Cozy cafe, concerts, exhibitions and many other events /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga
Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

A cozy cultural space in the building of the former Cēsis brewery where you can have a snack, a glass of beer and listen to a concert or watch an exhibition at the same time. Imagine the local atmosphere: people come here with their pets, drink coffee and socialize surrounded by interiors with many authentic and unusual details. It’s not your usual café, but a community of artists that you can be a part of or just watch. 

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Raiņa kvartāls

Address: Cēsis, Raiņa street 25

/ Rental space for art workshops, concerts, exhibitions /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

In former industrial buildings, artists rent space for their workshops. Musicians and other artists are welcome here. Exhibitions and festivals are also held on the territory, but these events are not very frequent and you should keep an eye on the announcements. This is a place where you can not only see works of art, but also hear the stories of their creation and meet like-minded people. All in all, if you love meeting artists, you should definitely visit this neighborhood.

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Juliannas pagalms

Address: Liepāja, Friča Brīvzemnieka street 7

/ Restaurants, live music, Latvian craft beer, exhibitions /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga
Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

This creative courtyard in the center of Liepāja is perfect for those who like to try delicious food and drinks while listening to live music or watching artworks. And if the abundance of local cafes and restaurants makes your eyes go wild, we recommend the bar Miezis & Kompānija from Latvia’s famous brewery Labietis, where you can try a variety of craft brews such as beer with field herbs, aronia and other local flavors.

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Address: Alūksne, Tālavas street 5

/ Eels from Lake Alūksnes, local beer, burgers, cocktails, concerts and quizzes /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

The cultural space near the narrow-gauge railroad station in Alūksne opened about a year ago. During this time, it has become a place of attraction for many people. Concerts, quizzes and movie screenings are held in the brewery hall. By the way, good beer is brewed here and cider is sold. In the next room you can buy a local delicacy—eels from lake Alūksnes. And all within a minute’s walk from this place is the lamp cafe and cultural space TVAIKS × OGLE, located in the building of a narrow-gauge railroad station.

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Address: Pāvilosta, Ernesta Šneidera square 11

/ An art residency where artists live together and create works of art /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga
Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

This is a residency for artists, where candidates from different countries can participate. Here they live for a few weeks in one place, share their experiences and create their artworks and then show them to the residents and visitors of Pāvilosta. Even if you can’t make it to the residency’s public events, you can just check out the 1901-built house, which has been converted into artists’ studios, and the sculptures next to it.

Find out more on Instagram and on the website 


Address: Līgatne, Gaujas street 4

/ Gorgeous natural scenery combined with delicious food and cultural events / 

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

The town of Līgatne has long been known not only for its stunning nature (cliffs covered with dense forests), but also for places where you can relax and taste delicious food. In the cultural quarter Zeit you can stay in a hotel, listen to concerts and drink good coffee. And then go for a walk along the equipped nature trails, enjoying the local beauty. Zeit also organizes and hosts various events: weddings, birthdays, children’s parties.

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Siguldas Pils kvartāls 

Address: Sigulda, Pils street 18

/ Creative workshops and souvenirs /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

In the creative quarter of the neo-Gothic New Castle if Sigulda you will be surprised by various workshops: leather, paper art, walking cane making, sand gallery and others. You can try your hand at these crafts or simply buy an original product for the interior of your home. There is a large selection of souvenirs from local artists.

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Zaļās Villas kvartāls

Address: Sigulda, Krišjāņa Valdemāra street 3

/ Eco-festivals, chamber concerts, meditation / 

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

A cozy and ecologically oriented neighborhood that combines innovation and tradition. A unique feature of this neighborhood are group meditation sessions and chamber concerts, where people sing together to the guitar. There is also a retreat center and a cozy garden, and eco-festivals are regularly organized. Events are held in several languages.

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Creative Quarter PASTS

Address: Ogre, Brīvības street 38

/ Art workshops and goods from local designers /

Creative neighborhoods outside Riga
Creative neighborhoods outside Riga

In 2020, Ogre’s central pedestrian street was opened as a gathering place for people interested in art, design and architecture. One of the outbuildings at the notable old post office building houses the workshops of several artists. Educational workshops organized in this space are open to people of all ages. Local design pieces are offered here. 

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Author : editor nbhd
Date: 23.08.24